What does an exceptional transport planning mean
Exceptional transport requires an exceptional preparation: it deals with the prevention of every possible obstacle, the perfect knowledge of the route, the organization of the technical escort for the transport, the preparation of all the needed documentation in order to travel according to the precise European safety standards. If necessary, the preparation includes also the direct intervention on the route with the digging of the road or the raising of the high-voltage cables in order to allow the convoy to pass a level crossing.
Every national and international transport managed by Facchin Trasporti is, therefore, a personalized, unique and exceptional project as your goods, your needs and your business are. The transport comes from the listening and the direct dialogue with our customers. That is because we believe that there is no better way to protect your goods than adding our people and professionals value.
Below can be found the method we apply every day in the design of our customized national and international exceptional transports:
Our means for international exceptional transport
For each sector and service we have specific vehicles with dedicated equipment: from the exceptional transport of tanks, to the exceptional transport of crates and even of machinery, transformers, boilers and heavy carpentry product.
To ensure the safety of your transport, we are equipped with a control system that allows the constant monitoring of the mean from a satellite alarm tracking system. This indicates the exact location of the vehicle in order to allow the customer to be updated on the next stop and on the respect of the planned itinerary. Furthermore, we look after our vehicles with a maintenance routine which we perform regularly with the aim of keeping our vehicles always efficient, ready to take charge of your goods and your success.